Blogger Spotlight: Dinner with God

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Why this Blog? As explained by author:

I would like to tell you about a project I am working on. Dinner with God is a novel I wrote for my father to help him cope with the loss of my mother. When my mother died in 2004, the hardest thing – in addition to losing her of course – was having to see my father go through all of this alone. Because you can comfort people who have lost their spouse, but nothing can compensate for their best friend. The only one who can truly comfort them, is the one they lost. I felt so powerless. There was nothing I could do, I mean, I couldn’t bring her back. Or could I? And that is when the idea for Dinner with God was born. It started with a letter, then turned into a story, and eventually into a novel.

In Dinner with God, I send my father on one last adventure with my mother, to give them the opportunity to say goodbye the way life didn’t allow them to, in doing so, trying to show my father that he still has things to live for, to be grateful for. I had been wanting to write this book every since she died, but it’s such a big project, I wasn’t able to do it. I couldn’t understand why, meeting my deadlines for clients is never a problem, why should this be any different? Until I realized: there is no deadline. That is how the second part of this project was born. I decided to write my novel online, with just one rule: 1000 words a day. That would help me gain a following, and give me a natural deadline to actually publish 1000 words a day.

When the novel was finished, I got the opportunity to translate it to Dutch and publish it. The novel has been very well received in the Netherlands and now it is time to translate it back to English, again 1000 words a day. After the novel has been translated, I will leave it online for a week, and then take it offline to have it edited and published in English. You’ll find the project at

My main goal with this entire project, is to share my father’s story. It has given him so much strength and comfort, that – together – we decided that we needed to share it with the world, in hopes that it would give others strength as well.

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