Review: Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden


“At the temple there is a poem called “Loss” carved into the stone. It has three words, but the poet has scratched them out. You cannot read loss, only feel it.”

Memoirs of a Geisha

The writing of this book is such that while reading you get transported to a whole new world, and then each time real life calls, you need to take a few moments to set the mind to reality.

The story was quite enchanting, although I was a bit disappointed​ at the ending. I guess I had expected a bit more.

But, the whole setting, getting to know about the life of a Geisha, right down to their makeup and Kimono were extremely interesting. The customs, the tea parties and the day to day lives of Geisha were so unlike what it is usually portrayed.

The book was entertaining as well as I got to know more about the Japanese culture and I guess now I will start researching on some Japanese authors. Any suggestions?

Overall this book is entertaining, but should be taken as the historical fiction. I give this book 4 stars.

Buy Memoirs of a Geisha

The movie adaption of this book is beautiful. The cinematography is outstanding, truly a must watch. Here is the movie trailer:

Books Mentioned in the Freedom Writers Diary


I just LOVE books that recommend more books!

I mean come on…its a win win situation…you are reading an amazing book..and that book manages to add more books to your tbr!

So, while reading The Freedom Writers Diary (Review posted here)

Here are a few books mentioned in the book:

  • The Diary of Anne Frank

  • The Colour Purple by Alice Walker

  • Zlata’s Diary

Review: The Freedom WRITERS Diary by Erin Gruwell and Freedom Writers

“Evil prevails when good people do nothing.”
Can one person change the world?
Maybe not…
But one person can surely change the world for another person. And the best people to do that are the teachers.
Erin Gruwell was one teacher who helped change the entire course of her student’s lives.
Education can be quite a powerful tool. It is only through education, that can truly equalize people. With education, one can overcome the barriers that have been placed and can come out of stereotypes.
Although, it is not necessary that those who are educated would be bound to have an open mind, but the probability of that happening is quite high.
Erin Gruwell teaches through empathy. She creates a sense of oneness with the characters of various books. She includes the books where her students are able to relate to the characters. She includes the students instead of just droning on and on about what she thinks the book is about. That I believe would be an excellent way to teach, who amongst us has not slept with open eyes in trully dull lectures?
The best part of the book for me was when Meip Gies from “The Diary of Anne Frank” comes to talk to the students. She is such an inspiration and a real life hero! I welled up just reading about it all.
I just loved how the student’s personal stories came out and integrated seamlessly with the novels.
Of all the books mentioned in this book, I have only read “The Diary of Anne Frank”, and now thanks to this book, the list of book that I absolutely need to read has grown. I NEED to read the stories the students were so passionate about. I NEED TO KNOW.
And you know you have just read a great book, when you feel like you need to read more.
Pick it up when you need some hope in your life.

Buy The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them

See the movie trailer: