10 Reasons to visit a Bookstore this Month!


Just in case someone wanted a reason…

Travel to far away places,

Hello and Welcome back book lovers. Sorry we haven’t updated in a while..

But we promise to give you some exciting reads from now on…

So if you are an online junkie or too busy or just plain lazy to go and visit a bookstore.. we give you some amazing reasons that will make you want to get up from comfy seats and get going..


  1. Sipping a hot cup of coffee and reading a book is the perfect way to enjoy the monsoon season.. and what better place than a bookstore.

  1. So if you are an online junkie or just lazy it’s a perfect exercise without too much effort.. a stroll in a store is all you need to lose some excess calories.

  1. Smell of old and new books in a store will make you feel like heaven..


  1. You can read books all day long in a bookstore…

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