30 Day Book Challenge: Day Seven: A Book That Made You Laugh


The book that made me laugh out loud was the Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason(Click Here for Book Review). This is the sequel to the Bridget Jones diary, but I have not yet read the first book. Even when I had not read the first book, I had no problems following the story line in this book.

This was the second review that I ever made on a blog, at that time I reviewed only the books that I really enjoyed.

This is such a fun, light and easy read!


30 Day Book Challenge: Day five: A Book That Makes You Happy


This question made me realize that I form quite dysfunctional relationship with books. I tend to fall in love with those that hurt my heart, the ones that are my absolute favourites, are on that shelf as I found myself sobbing well into the night while and after reading them.

Note to self: Read MORE HAPPY BOOKS.

The book that I remember making me happy, was Sarika Pandit’s Bucket List of a Traveloholic (Book review here).

The publisher had sent it for a review, and I remember it making me want to lust after all the places I had not yet gone, and missing the places I had visited. Everyone who likes travelling should read this book.
